
Goals- March Update

Here's a review of our goals for 2012 with notes on our progress. How are you doing with your goals?

Monthly budget/financial progress meetings with J-bird -- January, February, March

Plan and realize another income stream

Invest set amount in J-bird's Roth IRA (by end of January)  By end of February instead of January. We got busy.

Change auto deductions from J-bird's paycheck from his Roth IRA to mine

Medical savings = $4,000 max out of pocket - $1,000 flex spending account balance = $3,000

Emergency fund- hit set goal by May, it's 5 months of living at our current (with extras and savings) or 8 months of barebones living Woot!

Pay down balance on car loan

Fund kids' college savings-- $100 for each month of age for each kid by end of year Depositing a set amount each month to hit our annual goal

Emergency Preparedness Kit - assemble by March We already have a lot of supplies, need to review and complete. 

Fence Repair - we decided to repair the hole in the fence for now (by June), and will replace the fence next year

Trim Trees - we don't really want to spend money on it but it's a necessary part of homeownership (by March)

Paint Entry, Shoe Storage (February to April)

Potty train Goose

Build a new computer (J-bird)

Move Baby Boy to his own room - he's practically ready now

Scrapbook the kids' lives (really just use up what supplies I have so I have more space at my desk)

Work on improving blog Working on it, I've got some tabs (thanks hubs!) and I've spent some time thinking of new content... now to find the time to post. 

What are your goals for 2012? What do you hope to accomplish?

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